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How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)
How will we escape if we pay no attention to such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:3)


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Welcome to If you're new here, this page will let you know a bit about it. (See also the website tutorial for tips on how to best use and view this site.)

Mission and Creed

This website is dedicated to helping connect people with the information, tools, knowledge, understanding, resources and encouragement they need to begin and advance in their knowledge and enjoyment of our Creator. It is committed to these truths:

  • True life, joy and peace can only be found through being in a right relationship to God our maker.
  • God has revealed himself to mankind through the created world, through events in history, through our very being, through the writings called the Bible and through Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is the eternal Son of God and of one being with the Father and Spirit, but he became one of us in history. As the God-Man, he is the best and ultimately only mediator between God and man.
  • In his earthly life, Jesus revealed the nature and will of God the Father, obeying him completely and always being in a right relationship with him. His death at the hands of wicked men was according to the eternal plan of God in which Jesus offered himself ceremonially as a sacrifice to the Father on behalf of his people, thus satisfying the justice of God in regards to their rebellion and misdeeds.
  • Because of his righteous life, death had no lasting power over Jesus, and he rose from the grave, showing his now immortal body to his followers. Having received from the Father a name more excellent than any other and full authority over all creation, Jesus ascended from this earthly existence to rule the world as its king and judge. Jesus will rule until he has put all his enemies under his feet, at which time he will judge the lives of all mankind.
  • God is not far from man, but man, by his nature and choice, is very far from God. Apart from the transforming work of the Spirit of God in a person's life, he will not want to serve and glorify God as he truly is but will instead serve and worship false gods, himself and others, in violation of God's standard of perfect moral integrity. This is a pitiable and damnable state of slavery and moral death from which God offers free redemption and pardon by turning away from our bad actions and desires, instead trusting him about how we ought to live. All who desire to to so may come to God in humility and receive his undeserved favor, forgiveness and help. All those and only those who call out to Jesus, avowing him as their true Master, will be saved from both their moral degeneracy and the damnation it deserves.
  • This redemption from moral death allows a believer to immediately enjoy forgiveness and a wellness of relationship with God through Jesus. But the transformation of character that we need takes time to develop, as the Spirit transforms our wills to be in accordance with what Jesus desires, a process continuing even until natural death. As an aid in this process, Jesus desires his people to be united to a local congregation of other servants of Jesus who can help, encourage and hold one another accountable to obeying him. Failure to seek out such a relationship with God's people is a demonstration of foolish and arrogant pride, which is contrary to a professed desire to honor God, because it implicitly rejects his good gifts, his people, his plan and his work.
  • Jesus requires his servants to advance his kingdom by proclaiming and defending his authority and excellence at home, in our places of employment, among friends and in the public square. His authority has applications in every endeavor of life, including relationships, the family, marriage, bringing up children, finances, government, politics, civil law, criminal justice, foreign policy, philanthropy, the arts, media, literature, entertainment, food, medicine, commerce, industry, farming, land use, ecology, technology, education, academic pursuits, science and exploration.

What's in a name?

The word "heed" means to listen, follow and obey. The word "grace" refers to the unmerited favor of God, an undeserved gift. The good news of how Jesus is redeeming creation and fallen humanity is not something to merely think about; it demands an active response on the part of the hearer. The message of grace comes by way of solemn warnings, invitations and admonitions. Failure to heed grace is a rejection of God's gift of love and an embracing of moral darkness instead.

What's with the weird logo?

The central figure is reminiscent of the running man used on international "WAY OUT" or "EXIT" signs to direct people toward a place of safety and away from a possibly dangerous environment such as a building fire. The skull and crossbones on the left represents death, poisonous lies and moral darkness. The gift box on the right represents the grace of God in Jesus. You may notice that the ribbon and lid form a cross. Altogether, the logo is a directive and a reminder to actively flee death and run to Jesus for life.

Authorship and Management is a labor of love created mostly by a single individual whose name is unimportant, but you can call him H.G. He is a single, middle-aged, American man. The site was officially launched in 2023, but some content may predate this.

If you feel you have been wronged in any way by H.G., or you believe that he is engaging in behavior which brings dishonor to the name of Jesus, please contact H.G. with your concerns. He is not a lone wolf or rogue Christian, but a member in good standing of a local church. If you are unable to resolve your conflict with H.G., please demand that the matter be escalated, and it will be brought to the attention of the spiritual authorities in H.G.'s life.


H.G. welcomes your communication! It's easy; just email

Tips for good communication

  • Please make sure your email succinctly but clearly describes the purpose of your communication and what you wish to communicate.
  • Emojis are not English and are likely to be misunderstood or underappreciated, if they even display properly. An apt word is worth a thousand pictures.
  • Make sure any included pictures or other files are sent as attachments and not merely linked. Linked files will not be received. For reliable transmission, the size of an email with included attachments should generally not exceed 20 megabytes.
  • Any included links should be to publicly available websites that require no user accounts or logins, and no special apps, downloads, etc. Avoid links to private forums as well as most links to Instagram and Facebook and private or age-restricted links to other social media websites. Links should be stripped of user- or session-specific parts. They should be direct links, not minified, obfuscated or tracked.
  • If you are referring to a document, audio or video, please give relevant section or timestamp info.


It may take some time for H.G. to receive and respond to your message, but if you've received no response in a week, it's likely that your email was never received or that the response failed to reach you (check your junk folder and filter settings), in which case you are invited to try again.


Personal information you share with H.G. is not likely to be shared abroad, but if there is something you wish to remain confidential, you need to make it very clear in your communication what must not be divulged. Please also understand that email is a relatively secure but not very secure form of communication. Please do not communicate details that could place you at risk or in danger if intercepted or leaked.

Get Involved

Here are some ways that you can become a part of what happens in and through this website:

  • Share content with others
  • Questions
  • Disagreements
  • Prayer
  • Suggestions or tips
  • Corrections, great or small
  • Financial assistance
  • Encouragement

Sharing Content

Unlike a good fishing hole, there's no reason to keep a secret. Even if you don't agree with 100% of the material H.G. provides or promotes, if you have benefited from something here, please send a link to a friend, relative, acquaintance or colleague. Next time you strike up a conversation, instead of talking about the weather or sports, discuss some important topic that was addressed on We are to spend our time thinking about things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). We should speak of God's commands to others while we sit at home or go about our activities outside the home, day or night (Deuteronomy 6:7, 11:19, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, 119:97). Use as a way of entering into these important discussions with people you have contact with.


Do you have questions, whether about something you find on or about anything else weighing on your mind? Let H.G. help you to get the answers you need. There is such a thing as a stupid question, but sometimes we have to ask such questions in order to find that out. Every honest question will be taken seriously and addressed graciously. Good questions may lead to improvements, clarifications and additional content on


Perhaps you have serious disagreements with H.G. Let's sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17) by engaging in earnest discussion with each other, remembering God's principles for such things (Leviticus 19:16-17, Psalm 141:5, Proverbs 9:7-10, 19:25, 27:5-6, 28:23, 1 Corinthians 2:3, 10:31, 2 Corinthians 10:1, 2 Timothy 2:14-16, 24-25, 3:15-17, Titus 3:2,9-11, 1 Peter 3:15, 4:10-11).


God our Father loves to give good gifts to those who ask him for things according to his will. Pray that God will direct you to resources, whether on or recommended by, that will advance your understanding of his nature, will and plan. Pray that you would have eyes to see, ears to hear, an understanding mind and a heart open to receive the things that God wants to teach you from his Word and through his servants.

Please pray that H.G. would be faithful to God, sound of mind and body, provided for materially, productive, civil in behavior and attitude, and skilled at communication. Ask God to protect H.G. from attacks, slander, lawsuits and other threats. Ask God to bring more visitors to and to give H.G. opportunities to advance Jesus's kingdom.


We all have room for improvement. If you have a good idea, please share it! Let H.G. know of ways to be of greater service to God and his people.


Did you find a typo? Is something factually inaccurate? Does some feature not work properly? Please contact H.G. so this website can be improved.

Financial Assistance

In his free book The Dorean PrincipleOffsite, Conley Owens skillfully draws out from the pages of Scripture the principle that ministry is never to be done for remuneration. In keeping with that principle, everything provides is free. If you have benefited from any material you found here, you're welcome! It is a gift from God to you, provided by his servants.

But if you count yourself a servant of God, and you have the desire to co-labor with H.G., apart from any notion of reciprocity, your desire to help is appreciated!

Direct costs include things like web hosting plans and domain renewals. Indirect costs include purchase of materials such as books, digital downloads, computer hardware, etc. But the greatest cost, of course, is time which might otherwise be spent collecting a wage through gainful employment. So any help you can give H.G. to pay for everyday necessities like food, taxes, insurance, etc. allows him more time to invest in studying and creating materials and resources.

An online giving system is not yet implemented, but if you would like to give, please contact H.G.

Legal info: is not a business, nor is it an organization. Money given to H.G. is just as though you gave money to a friend, relative or stranger on the street as a free and clear gift without any expectation of receiving in return any good, service, consideration, membership or ownership in anything, and without any contract, whether implicit or explicit, whether verbal or written.


The point of this website is not to create an echo chamber or preach to the choir, but if you would like to contact H.G. with an "Amen" or "Attaboy", it will let him know the website is reaching people and having an impact. How, specifically, has God used in your life?

Thanks for visiting! Do come again.

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